SHIN Sukheui
The Honorable SHIN Sukheui was born in Seoul on March 4, 1969. Justice Shin earned an LL.B. from Seoul National University, College of Law, and passed the 35th National Judicial Examination in 1993. Her career as a judge began in 1996 at the Seoul District Court. She served as a judge at the Seoul Family Court, Daejeon District Court, Jeju District Court, Seoul High Court, and Suwon High Court and as a professor at the Judicial Research and Training Institute.
Her dedication and hard work were recognized when, in 2023, she became the first woman to hold the position of the Standing Commissioner of the Sentencing Commission of Korea. Subsequently, on February 29, 2024, she was appointed as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Korea.
During her 28 years of judgeship, Justice Shin strived to persuade parties and resolve disputes by permitting the parties to have sufficient opportunity to present their arguments in the courtroom. She is known for writing comprehendible judgments using concise expressions for easier understanding, supported with ample legal grounds. She has endeavored to unite diverse values and opinions based on a balanced approach and inclusion and to guarantee the people's fundamental rights. Justice Shin is also an active member of the Supreme Court's Gender Equality Law Research Group, which explores ways to uphold the rights of women, children, and people with disabilities. Justice Shin served as the President of this group in 2020 and has also contributed to expanding education on gender equality and gender sensitivity and helped create a balanced work and life environment within the judiciary. Her commitment and contribution have led to the 100 Precedents on Gender Equality Publication and worked on establishing best trial practices.
Justice Shin's dedication to fostering global connections and understanding is evident in her extensive international involvement. She has attended the International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) conferences in Australia, the US, Morocco, and other countries. Her active participation in preparing for the 10th IAWJ, held in Seoul in May 2010, underscores her dedication to promoting international exchanges and understanding.
Justice Shin demonstrated strong leadership as the Standing Commissioner of the Sentencing Commission of Korea in 2023. Under her guidance, the Commission held symposiums on crucial issues, such as expanding the offense category subject to sentencing guidelines, studying sentencing determinants, and using AI in sentencing. Her contributions helped resolve disadvantageous sentencing deviations in criminal adjudication and establish reasonable sentencing guidelines that align with the public's perception.